Changing Lifestyle Camp 22nd – 26th July 2024


This year marked the much-anticipated return of the Changing Lifestyles Residential Camp, organised by Shaw Control. After an 11-year hiatus, excitement was high as we secured funding from the Oakland Foundation and Tesco Stronger Start, enabling them to revive this impactful program. Designed to run for one week, the camp aims to inspire young participants to adopt healthier lifestyles by becoming more physically active and making healthy food choices.

Shaw Control Feedback Report

Upon arrival at the John Lee Wood Scout Campsite, the children were initially surprised by the basic accommodations and the secluded setting. However, they quickly adapted to the new environment, thanks to a series of engaging icebreaker games. We wasted no time in getting the children active, starting with an invigorating boxing session led by Box4Health. The session combined pad work and strength exercises, leaving the kids both tired and exhilarated, with smiles all around.

The next morning, the children were pleasantly surprised with an early workout choice of yoga or jogging before breakfast. Day two challenged their stamina with a one-hour hike to Bradgate Park. Despite a few complaints along the way, we kept them engaged by discussing the natural surroundings and encouraging them to take turns wearing a weighted vest, simulating the effects of weight gain. Once at the park, they enjoyed their self-made lunches and some rest before eagerly playing in the water and enjoying a game of frisbee. Even after the tiring activities, they managed the trek back to the campsite with enthusiasm.

After a well-deserved rest, the children participated in sessions that encouraged self-reflection and the exploration of their talents, all in preparation for a showcase at the end of the week.
Day three featured a fun-filled session of water games, where the children were so immersed in the activities they didn’t realise they had been running around for over an hour. The day continued with canoeing, which provided a great opportunity for teamwork and cooperation.

Throughout the week, the children attended nutrition sessions to enhance their understanding of healthy eating. They decorated portion-size plates to use after camp and faced the challenge of burning off calories from unhealthy foods within a short time limit—a task most found difficult. An exciting and physically active nutrition quiz further reinforced these sessions. The children also prepared and presented campaigns about healthy versus unhealthy lifestyles. All camp meals were healthy, with examples of healthier versions of popular foods, such as pizzas made with wholemeal pitta bread and vegetable toppings. Water and healthy fruit snacks were the only options provided.

A highlight for many was the horse riding experience, which included learning to care for the horses and participating in a fitness session using a racehorse simulator.

The camp concluded with a campfire night, where the children enjoyed roasted bananas with yogurt and showcased their talents, reflecting on their achievements. They even created TikTok videos to capture the fun moments. On the final day, activities included go-karting and caving, followed by an awards ceremony recognising the participant who made the healthiest choices and most effort throughout the week.

The Changing Lifestyle Camp significantly contributes to combating the obesity epidemic by encouraging children to be more active through enjoyable physical activities and educating them on making healthier choices. It provides a safe, supportive, and enjoyable environment where young people can boost their confidence and self-esteem. Feedback from both the children and their parents has been overwhelmingly positive, with many reporting that they felt fitter and healthier after the camp. As word spreads, we hope that even more children will benefit from the camp’s success in the future.

Click the following link from Shaw Control on the Changing Lives Residential Camp 2024